Sunday, May 15, 2011

Holy Spirit Speaking?

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jerimiah 29:11

Saturday morning as I awoke at 6am to get ready for work (eww), I asked the Holy Spirit to work through me that day and to show himself to me. Little did I know what he had in store. As I arrive at work I realize that I how happy I am and how filled with Joy i was. One thing I have learned about Joy is that it is not a feeling all the time. Joy is a choice and Joy comes from the Lord. Joy fills you from the inside out. So I have the overwhelming feeling of Joy and peace. (Sorry I love Joy so I will be capitalizing it!) And I love when God answers my prayers so quickly. He told me to do little things this weekend that would bless others. Have you ever noticed the Joy that comes with helping other people? I did not do it for me, or to get recognized but to bless the other people and bring glory to God.

Later at work I finished reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. If you have not read it please do, even if you are a guy, it will speak to your heart I guarantee. The words flowed over me like a tidal wave, crashing down feelings of love, hope, acceptance, and beauty. And these things all coming from God. I was able to experience a love like no other while reading these words. I felt God speaking to me telling me, "Sara, you are beautiful to me. You are lovely to me. You are my beloved!" These words filled me and made me overwhelmed that I was tearing up at work. I realized how important it is to stay in the word and really focus on the attributes of God, and the way he wants to specifically touch your heart with them.

Dwelling on these things I have been thinking a lot about what God has in store for me for next year, and the next few after that. I have been seeking him and his wisdom in this area because I really want to go where he can use me the most. I am called to a life of ministry and I have a small idea of an amazing plan that God has in store for me. I will just say that the glimpse of what I will be doing (with my sister in tow!) is not easy. It is scary, life altering, huge, and can only be done by God's healing power over me and those I will be working with. I pray that he will give me the strength to do his work and that I will not back down when the his call on my life comes. Until then I will continue to seek him and do his work as I see him lead.

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