Monday, August 13, 2012

Answers without Questions

Today I was talking with the trainee for the laundry position at my work. It was such a blessing to get to work with her because I have been at the point of quitting and not showing up because of the lack of management and dedication from the staff. This solid christian mom is a great addition to the lost staff in the building. (Lost as in completely unaware of the repercussions of their actions and the harm they could cause in the long run.) It was a breath of fresh air to work with a fellow follower of the Lord. I did not realize until later in the shift that she was an answer to a prayer that I had not prayed. God had fulfilled a need for me, once again, that I had not asked for. As a stupid "Israelite" I continue to receive what I need from God and don't appreciate the full extent of his grace and provision. I know that I say thank you to him but I really don't take the time to focus on how amazing it is that he ALWAYS gives me what I need exactly when I need it. Today I also was thinking/stressing about how I still do not have a job in Bemidji when I go back to school in a few weeks. I decided to have a final try at applying for jobs on, a local nanny/babysitting website where people post their needs. I applied for quite a few positions not thinking that I would hear back from any of them, as was usual for me. However, the Lord knowing that I needed a job opened up communication between a family up north who needs someone to watch their 1 1/2 year old during the week. With talking back and forth I realize how God is answering a need of mine...again without me asking, just worrying. No matter how many times I think that he won't provide one more time he always proves me wrong. I feel very silly and frustrated with myself that I cannot seem to commit to my Father wholeheartedly and trust that he will provide. These are just two of the ways that I have seen God provide in the past few months...and I know I will see more as I become in need of his provision. Until then I will try to trust that he will again give when I am in need.

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